Friday, August 31, 2012

Republicans Say Rape Can Be Classified as "Forcible" and "Legitimate." So does Father Groeschel, Catholic Friar from New York.

The Republican party recently made headlines by trying to define rape as only when it is "legitimate" and "forcible." This Catholic friar is doing the same thing, but he also explains what rape is when it is illegitimate and not coerced.

                                                                                    This picture taken from the Huffington Post website.

Here is a link to the Huffington Post article describing the Friar's comments.
From the Huffington Post: Father Benedict Groeschel, American Friar, Claims Teens Seduce Priests

This guy is wrong. Rape is rape. Pedophilia is rape. The people who think rape is sometimes justifiable are wrong.

This guy is a mainstream Catholic Friar from New York, just as Akin, Ryan and others are mainstream Republicans who are currently in office. Shocking. I am glad that we are hearing how these guys really think. But they need to be told their view of rape is the view of the perpetrator and perpetrators do not need to be in charge of the government, nor of the Catholic Church.