Friday, September 14, 2012

I Apologize to Muslims

I am sorry.
 I am sorry the release of that movie has hurt Muslims. I think the movie is despicable as are the anti-Muslim feelings that go with it. I am sorry. I am sorry that Americans are spending so much time condemning the actions of others without first taking responsibility for ourselves.

 It is true--Americans did not release that movie--it is the act of a few individuals and not of all of us. Nevertheless, the movie comes out of a generalized fear that many Americans have of Muslims. I say that we need to declare this fear and look at what our fear is doing to us and to the world.

For those who think that Americans are not afraid of Muslims, I offer the following example--Pat Robertson.

There are other examples of the same type of behavior--I have simply chosen one article to put up on this blog. I am asking Americans to examine their fear of Muslims. I apologizing to Muslims for that movie. I think it is despicable.
I have some ideas and opinions on the First Amendment and I'd like to add them here:

First off, the First Amendment is for the United States. One should not expect that First Amendment rights exist outside of the United States. If we run around the world being rude to people (or worse) we should not expect that First Amendment rights apply.

Second, what happened with the release of this stupid movie is hideous. And the people who put out this video are not protected by First Amendment rights because the First Amendment does not give a person the right to say lies about someone else or to defame their character. The makers of that stupid movie had no right to say what they said.

Third, I am not sure why we expect Libyans to fully understand First Amendment rights when they have recently come out of years and years under the rule of a dictator. Americans have had over 200 years of First Amendment rights and we do not understand them very well either. 

I want the people who are responsible to know that they have hurt many people and because this movie has hurt many people it has hurt me.