Thursday, September 27, 2012

What is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?

Oh my...

It's no wonder we're not going anywhere--because nobody is listening any more. We have two sides of a political debate and each side only talks to themselves. The article I just read is proof of that.

Here's the link to a RedState article which calls women "stupid" over and over again:

This article is really bad, but what really gets me are the comments. The number of times that women (who do not vote with the TeaParty) are called stupid is simply astonishing. I may disagree with the TeaParty but I'm certainly not stupid.

However, I can begin to see the two sides to this debate.

The one side sees the TeaParty's efforts to control access to birth control, abortion and gay marriage as an attempt to limit freedom. The second side sees everything through the lens of jobs--therefore if jobs are being created for women that's good enough. Women should just shut up and stop complaining.

I am glad to place importance on creating jobs--I just know how badly it feels to be shut out of society's legal mechanisms. I also believe that once we figure out how to include each citizen into our societal process the jobs will begin to take care of themselves. If each person has a place, then jobs will begin to increase, no question about it. But if we continue to shut out huge segments of our population--because we think they're stupid or lazy or whatever other label we want to put on them, then our society will become smaller and smaller and the number of people who have jobs will decrease.

Calling people stupid simply because they don't agree with you does not help the situation. We need to enter into relationship with each other in order to figure this out.